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ATLAS empowers, supports, and connects women working in, or embarking on, a career in public international law.

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Latest News 

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ATLAS is calling for urgent action from the international community, to establish a humanitarian corridor and to act swiftly and clearly to ensure the protection of those most in danger


ATLAS calls for a safe, transparent and fair process for dealing with complaints of bullying and misconduct at the ICC, ahead of the upcoming election of the ICC Prosecutor 

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#ATLASToo manages a virtual library of best practices, training manuals, case law, and templates to help end harassment in the workplace.

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Atlas & GQUAL call on the UN General Assembly to reopen nominations for judges at the IRMCT to encourage greater inclusion of female candidates

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ATLAS is committed to ending manels. Need a recommendation for a female speaker at your event? Drop us a line.

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Meet leading women as they reflect on their careers and get the inside scoop on what it takes to cultivate a career in public international law.


Find a network of support, as well as practical information on combatting workplace harassment.

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Writings by and about women in public international law.

ATLAS Allies

Be part of ATLAS's mission and community.

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Upcoming Events

ATLAS is a global community with events hosted by our members all around the world.

Let's Connect

Get in touch to find speakers for an event, write an insight, access resources on #ATLASToo, or just say hi!


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